Ask and you will receive...
I have learned that I lose nothing by asking…and so I ask. I ask for daily strength, for forgiveness when I get off the highway, for strength when I don’t feel like going on, for the meaning of purpose to be revealed to my being, for what it means for riches and all its partners to follow me, for bigger dreams and the art of writing to be elevated in me, , for shoes that will match my pink blouse, for stationery to write my thoughts, for grace in speech, for sight to see the fun in life, for wisdom and boldness and money and for the salon girl to do my hair right, for that givenchy perfume, for favor before my bosses, for excellence in the gift of speech and knowledge, for the ………I ask for everything.
I have learned that I lose nothing by believing, by hoping, rather to die hoping than live in a faithless world, I have learned that I lose nothing by looking further, finding out, seeking, exploring, wanting to know more and see for myself what Abraham saw and what the 12 disciples experienced, what they touched and heard and lived with….
I have learned that I lose nothing by learning diligence, by taking on good habits, and by knowing that I can do this all over again if only to do it right this time….
And so I ask, for everything, for I lose nothing by asking for directions……..
James 4:2 ...Yet you do not have because you do not ask.
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